Guiding you to your Fullest Energetic Potential

Man sitting on modern black chair with legs crossed, wearing a gray jacket, white shirt, black pants, and tan sneakers.
Orange circle with a dot below on a black background


— Evan Nathaniel Grim

A graduate of a Top-10 University and former Manhattan corporate elite, Evan Nathaniel Grim’s journey into astrology is as unconventional as it is inspiring.  Lost in the monotonous structure of the corporate world, he yearned for something deeper

Between the battle of unsatisfying societal success and his innate calling for genuine human expression, Evan began to notice the interconnected nature of life as it moved all around him. Synchronicities and harmonious happenings started catching his attention, sparking his curiosity to connect the dots of his own existence.
He was intrigued to say the least… 

And that’s when he found astrology. 

Tacky tabloid horoscopes left him with dismal expectations, but despite his skepticism, he dove head first into a deep study of the stars. Each new book left him only more intrigued, realizing astrology had a wealth of insight to offer and he’d barely scratched the surface.

Evan Nathaniel Grim in sunglasses wearing a dark blazer and white shirt standing against a gray background.

What he continued to uncover not only blew his mind, but changed his life.

Through a process of scientific investigation, he discovered astrology was more like a fingerprint than a crude measure of only 12 personalities. Between signs, houses, planets, transits, degrees, nodes, and more, he learned the nuances that comprise everyone’s unique energetics—the key that unlocks a wealth of wisdom for their soul’s evolution. Real solutions for potent transformation were all encoded into the numerical blueprint of their birth chart.

Accurate predictions, effective solutions, and streamlined projections were so consistent, they began to create cohesion and flow in Evan’s life. He marveled at the beauty and reliability of a modality developed by thousands of collective minds working together over millennia, forming concrete interpretations and charting the astrological map for humanity.

Today, he is a world-renowned and highly respected Astrologer, guiding people home to their innate energies with the most profound self-realization tool available. By reconnecting clients with their spiritual blueprints, he facilitates incredible transformation in every aspect of their lives.

As Evan experienced firsthand, self-discovery, success, and satisfaction are accessible to anyone willing to open their mind and dive heart-first into their unique astrological wisdom.

Two beige chevron arrows pointing upwards on a black background.

“A subtle but present energy always seemed to be ushering us in certain directions, but I couldn’t quite articulate it. That’s when I decided to give astrology a look..”

— Evan Nathaniel Grim

DIScover the magic

Ways to Work with Evan


Life unfolds in a unique celestial rhythm, constantly influenced by the shifting current of the cosmos. Your birth chart illuminates the nuances of your soul’s journey, empowering you to flow with the tide, not against it. This is how you find your true calling.


Enhance your astrological understanding with self-paced courses teach you to skillfully maneuver life’s challenges and
are designed to deepen your astrological understanding.

Astro Forecast

Face 2025 prepared with Evan’s 2025 Astrological Forecasts which offers actionable insights for your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs so you can approach the year ahead with confidence.